Add up to 256 power supplies to your Teradyne J750™
Salland Engineering’s Independent Device Power Supply (IDPS) can expand your existing Automated Test Equipment (ATE) with up to 256 independent DPS sources to increase parallel testing.
Today, cost efficiency is more important than ever. Many manufacturers are working on maximizing multi-site testing. Often maximization cannot be done efficiently because of limited tester resources. Salland Engineering’s Independent Device Power Supply (IDPS) can expand your existing Automated Test Equipment (ATE) with up to 256 independent DPS sources to increase parallel testing.
It offers Force Voltage (FV) and Measure Current (MI) that can be used for continuity tests, parametric supply current (IDD) and quiescent supply current (IDDQ) measurements or simply for powering devices under test. The IDPS750 is targeted to reduce test costs for a wide range of applications including smart cards, memory, microprocessors and FPGA’s. Its design makes it useful in applications where many resources are required, or were the original ATE supplies do not meet your required specifications.
The system consists of a 19-inch mainframe containing the system power supplies, control interface and DPS board modules. The DPS board module consist of 16 channels and each channel has its own current
measurement circuit and range selection. Current clamping is programmable for the 16 channels together. Each module also contains its own reference voltage for the 16 channels. The IDPS750 will be connected to the device interface board (DIB) with special, custom made cables. A control interface takes care of the communication between the tester and the IDPS750 system. This gives control capabilities for current clamping, current measurement circuits, voltage references, calibration factors, limit value setting and relay switching. All settings can be controlled from the normal tester environment. The system comes with its own calibration and diagnostics software to ensure functionality and accuracy.

Salland can adapt the IDPS750 system to virtually any customer specification without major investments. You are encouraged to contact us in case the specifications do not exactly meet your requirements.
In 2016 we redesigned the IDPS750 calibration board: The new calibration board is easier to use and built for increased reliability and durability. Larger landing pads for the J750-pogotower, redesigned test point indicators and new board handles guarantee faster handling speeds. We also replaced old field-effect transistor (FET) with photo metal oxide semiconductors (PhotoMOS) to meet newest industry standards.