Salland Engineering participates in METEORIET II project

In the METEORIET II project, a wafer-scale MEMS testing method is being developed that uses only electrical stimuli to determine non-electrical properties. This approach accelerates the testing process, reduces costs, and enables large-scale production and (semi-)automated testing of MEMS devices. Salland Engineering, Bronkhorst, and Saxion are collaborating to advance the test technology from a prototype to an operational product. This initiative strengthens the regional "test valley" and creates new opportunities for the MEMS sector in Eastern Netherlands and beyond.
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) are chips that integrate both electrical and non-electrical properties. In addition to purely mechanical properties, thermal, fluidic, and optical characteristics are also encompassed within this term. MEMS technology is commonly used in sensors, such as precision flow meters or motion sensors. The market for MEMS is expanding as they are increasingly applied in a variety of smart systems and machines across diverse sectors, including machinery, medical technology, consumer electronics, and the automotive industry.